US Popularity:12223
Other Origin(s):Hebrew
Meaning:Of the sea; Rejoice
A feminine name of Latin origin, Marna means “from the sea” and is the perfect title for an ocean-loving baby. Whether you live by the sea or have nostalgia for the last time you visited the beach, Marna is a beautiful name that evokes nautical energy. Marna is related to the name Marni, and comes from the name Marina or Marinus. Additionally, Marna may also have roots in Hebrew, with the possible definition of “rejoice.” A worldly name steeped in maritime beauty, Marna flows off the tongue and enchants the ear. A name like Marna will stand to baby as they grow and change, and may even inspire a serene life by the sea!

How Popular Is The Name Marna?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2001
- 1747
from 1997
In comparison to the previous year's data
  • Behind the Name, Marna, July 2009

  • Behind the Name, Marina, April 2021

  • Behind the Name, Marinus, December 2022

  • Name Doctor, Marna

  • Name Doctor, Marni

  • 100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 221

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