US Popularity:11843
Meaning:Great ruler
Mahesh is a boy’s name of Sanskrit origin and is a modern spelling of the more traditional boy name Mahesha. Both versions of the name mean “great ruler” and are one of the great Hindu deity Shiva's names. As the controller of time, Shiva is an all-powerful being within the Trimurti of supreme divinity and each of Shiva’s names represents a different dimension of who they are. As Mahesh, baby will carry their Hindu heritage with them always, celebrating everything that Shiva stands for—creation, consciousness, and liberation from the cycle of life.

How Popular Is The Name Mahesh?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Mahesh is currently #3431 on The Bump
Boy:Mahesh is currently #1931 on The Bump Boy Names

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2017
+ 1822
from 2012
In comparison to the previous year's data
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