US Popularity:1670
Meaning:Land of the lakes; One who dwells at the fjord-land; Norway; Scandinavia; Norseman
The Land of Saints and Scholars has many interesting names with a deep history to choose from. Lochlan is one of these Irish names, and it means “land of the lakes.” Lochlan is ultimately a Gaelic name shared in Irish, Scottish, and Welsh, referring to the Vikings of Norway. Interpretations include "one who dwells at the fjord-land," "Norway," "Scandinavia," and "Norseman." This ancient name and its variants date back to the Viking tribes that made their way to the Celtic lands millennia ago and stuck around to give Lochlan some serious roots. Originally a last name derived from Mac Lachlainn, Lochlan was borne by those whose heritage was Scandinavian—bonus points if they had Viking-red hair to boot. But no matter what genes baby is rocking, Lochlan is perfect for your fierce little Viking on their way.
How Popular Is The Name Lochlan?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Lochlan is currently #1296 on The Bump
Boy:Lochlan is currently #716 on The Bump Boy Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Lochlan is currently #1670 in U.S. births
Boy:Lochlan is currently #824 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 18
from 2022
House of Names, Lochlan History, Family Crest, and Coats of Arms
Ancestry, McLaughlin
Name Doctor, Lochlann
Behind the Name, Lochlainn, January 2022
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