US Popularity:23919
Other Origin(s):Italian, Latin
Meaning:Envious; Bluish-gray color
If you want to give baby a name with a sharp edge and plenty of color, the name Livio is sure to do the trick. This feminine name has Swiss, Italian, and Latin roots, coming from the name Livius, which was made famous by the Roman historian better known as Livy. One of its meanings is “envious,” which might inspire your little one to get the same level of success that their role models have. Livio can also translate to “bluish-gray color,” a hue that can symbolize many different things, from peace to professionalism. Baby Livio would share this name with Swiss architect Livio Vacchini, who can easily inspire baby’s creative drive, while also nodding to Switzerland’s history as part of the Roman Empire. A name that can help baby show their true colors—the light and the dark—can give them plenty of inspiration.

Livio Name Popularity Data

U.S. Births

Overall:Livio is currently #23919 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
No change
from 2018
In comparison to the previous year's data

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