US Popularity:14838
Other Origin(s):Chinese
Meaning:Brave lion; To practice; To admire; To join; Order
Baby is sure to grow out their mane with a name like Len. A masculine title of German origin, Len comes from the name Leonard and translates to “brave lion.” Len is also a Chinese last name, though its exact meaning changes based on how it is written in the Chinese language. Possible translations include “to practice,” “to admire,” “to join,” and “order,” so little Len will have plenty of encouragement to try new things and meet new people! As baby grows into their claws and strengthens their roar, the name Len will remind them to maintain their pride.
How Popular Is The Name Len?
U.S. Births
Overall:Len is currently #14838 in U.S. births
Boy:Len is currently #7100 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 437
from 2022
Behind the Name, Len, February 2019
Name Doctor, Len
My China Roots, Len Surname Meaning
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