US Popularity:5230
Other Origin(s):Arabic, Hawaiian, Latin, Portuguese
Meaning:To bind; Climbing vine; Delicate; Tender; Wreath; Child; Grace
A new parent undoubtedly wants their little bundle to have strong roots from which they can blossom and thrive in this great big world. Leiana, a girl's name of French origin, comes from liana or liane, and means "to bind" or "climbing vine." It is linked to the liana vine, a woody, long-stemmed plant that's main aim is to gravitate and grow towards direct sunlight. No doubt you will delight in watching your little Leiana thrive and flourish towards the bright side of life! Leiana can also come from the Arabic name Leianah or Liyana, meaning “delicate” and “tender,” matching baby’s gentle demeanor. It may also be a blend of the Hawaiian word lei, meaning “wreath” or “child,” and the Portuguese and Latin name Ana, meaning “grace.” For a name that encourages baby to have the delicate, blooming grace of a garland of flowers, Leiana can make for plenty of inspiration.

How Popular Is The Name Leiana?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Leiana is currently #4189 on The Bump
Girl:Leiana is currently #2791 on The Bump Girl Names

U.S. Births

Overall:Leiana is currently #5230 in U.S. births
Girl:Leiana is currently #2986 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
+ 154
from 2022
In comparison to the previous year's data
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