US Popularity:7365
Meaning:Of Christopher and Katherine; Bearing Christ
Calling all Game of Thrones fans! This HBO show may have had an epic, albeit complicated, hold on you for many years, but winter is coming, and there's a new kid in town. Derived from the Greek names Christopher and Katherine, Kitt is a boy's name that means "bearing Christ." This nickname is dangerously close to Kit, as in Kit Harington, who played the show's handsome and broody Jon Snow. Although his nickname is adorable, the extra “T” will give baby an edge. Perhaps they'll develop a flair for the dramatic arts or write the next generation's fantasy series. Wherever they end up, you can expect big dreams, a warm heart, and probably a persuasive essay from them entitled "why we should get a dog!"
How Popular Is The Name Kitt?
U.S. Births
Overall:Kitt is currently #7365 in U.S. births
Boy:Kitt is currently #6699 in U.S. births
Girl:Kitt is currently #5837 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 1009
from 2022
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 452
House of Name, Kitt History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
SurnameDB, Last name: Kitt
Name Doctor, Kitt
Behind the Name, Kit, May 2018
Behind the Name, Kit, July 2008
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