US Popularity:5686
Meaning:One; Harmony; Child
If you're dreaming of a better world for baby, then choosing the name Kazuko could be a way to send your ideas out into the world. This name is made up of the Japanese kanji characters and can be spelled in a number of ways. Most commonly, kazu means “one” or "harmony” and ko means "child," creating a sweet name with the translation "a child of peace." With this name, you can encourage your daughter to feel at peace and unified with the world around her, so it's ideal if you follow Taoism.

How Popular Is The Name Kazuko?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1945
- 607
from 1944
In comparison to the previous year's data
  • Behind the Name, Kazuko, April 2021

  • Japanese Names .info, Kazuko

  • WordSense Dictionary, Kazuko

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