US Popularity:3433
Meaning:Scent, aroma; Fabric, weave
Certain aromas and scents can ignite and unlock precious memories from our lives. In fact, our sense of smell can help us form emotional attachments, making us feel closer to those we love. Is it any wonder, then, that one of the first things a parent will do when holding a new baby is to smell their ridiculously soft and adorable head?! So why all the fragrance talk, you might wonder. Well, Kaori is a girl's name of Japanese origin, meaning "smell or scent." This standout name also points to a type of fabric or weave, making it a true feast for the senses. Undoubtedly, the moment you meet baby Kaori, your love for her will be woven into your heart for eternity!
How Popular Is The Name Kaori?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Kaori is currently #2593 on The Bump
Girl:Kaori is currently #1767 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Kaori is currently #3433 in U.S. births
Girl:Kaori is currently #1963 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 63
from 2022
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