US Popularity:9010
Other Origin(s):German
Meaning:Quiet, still, gentle; Virtuous, chaste, loyal; Young
Aside from its use as a last name around the world, Jung is a Korean first name that flows with gender-neutral versatility. As a variant of Jeong, Jung means “still,” “gentle,” and “quiet”—qualities that you may like to instill in your new addition. A name whose definition changes depending on the Hanja characters used to write it, Jung can also mean “chaste,” “virtuous,” and “loyal.” Even as baby grows, Jung’s German translation of “young” will still ring true, reminding them to approach every experience with energy and enthusiasm.

How Popular Is The Name Jung?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2002
- 16691
from 2000
In comparison to the previous year's data
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