Other Origin(s):Chinese
Meaning:King, ruler; Talented; Handsome; Army; Flower, petal; Brave; Hero
Jun-young is a gender-neutral name of Korean origin. Also spelled as Joon-young, Jun-young is recognizable and appealing to the ear. Its meaning depends entirely on the hanja or hangul that are used to write each syllable. Jun-young’s meanings include “king,” “ruler,” “talented,” “handsome,” “army,” “flower,” “petal,” “brave,” and “hero.” In turn, baby Jun-young will never feel pigeonholed into one thing. Instead, they are free to grow into the best version of themselves.
  • Behind the Name, Jun (1), April 2021

  • Behind the Name, Young, January 2019

  • Behind the Name, Yeong, June 2019

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