Other Origin(s):French
Meaning:To descend; Garden
If you wish for baby to be a lover of nature, give them the name Jordine. This is a gender-neutral moniker with two possible origins. Deriving from the name of the river Jordan, Jordine has Hebrew roots, coming from the term yarden meaning “to descend.” The name was given to children of the Crusaders, who were baptized with water from this famous river. Jordine is also thought to be traced back to a Norman surname, taken from the Old French term jardin, signifying “garden.” With such historical and cultural significance, baby Jordine will have much to inspire them. Perhaps they’ll take to aquatic sports like a duck to water. Or maybe they’ll find their passion hidden amongst the leaves and blooms of your backyard. What’s certain is your bond with baby Jordine will be just rosy.
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