US Popularity:11599
Meaning:Yahweh is gracious; Torch; Moon; The other Aenor; Luminous
If you love the feminine name Joan but want to make it shine just a little brighter, why not add two letters and call baby Joanel? This beautiful moniker could be an elaboration of Joan or a respelling of Jonell, though, for baby, it will simply be their way of introducing themselves to others. With Hebrew origins, Joan derives from Yochanan, a title which means “Yahweh is gracious.” Joanel shares its last three letters with Nell, a name which can be a shortened form of Eleanor, Helen, Ellen, and other similar monikers. Nell has several possible origins, including Greek and Latin, so it offers plenty of additional name meanings for little Joanel to consider. From “torch” and “moon” to “the other Aenor” and “luminous,” Nell’s meanings are just as dazzling as baby Joanel’s personality.
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