Other Origin(s):Korean
Meaning:Respect; Honor; Mirror; Glass; Beauty; Beautiful woman; Garden; Orchard; Quiet, still; Essence; First; Source; Origin
Jingyuan is a unisex name of Chinese and Korean origin. As is the case with Southeast Asian names, its meaning is derived from how it's spelled, and this moniker is no exception. Jingyuan's translations can range from "respect" and "honor" to "mirror" and "glass" to "beauty" and "beautiful woman" to "garden" and "orchard." Thanks to it's Chinese roots, Jing can translate to "quiet," "still," or "essence," while Yuan can mean "first," "source," or "origin." Baby is invited to embrace whichever they feel sounds right to them. This little taste of freedom and expression early on is sure to translate when they come into their own.
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