US Popularity:12106
Other Origin(s):Czech, Hebrew, Slavic
Meaning:Creator, procreator, father, originator; Of John, God is gracious
With meanings like "creator," “procreator,” “father,” and “originator,” baby will be ready to embrace their artistic side with this Hindi name. In Hindu mythology, Janak was the father of the goddess Sita, who was also the protagonist of the Sanskrit epic Ramayana. Janak, also referred to as Janaka, was an ancient king known for having no attachment to material things. Instead, he loved to discuss spiritual matters. In Vedic literature, King Janaka was a renowned philosopher who was beloved for his support of Vedic culture. Janak is also a Czech and Slovak name inspired by the Hebrew John, meaning “God is gracious.” With this name, baby will feel encouraged to look for meaning not in their possessions but rather in their heritage and the world around them.

How Popular Is The Name Janak?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2002
- 1116
from 1998
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