US Popularity:7707
Other Origin(s):German, Latin, Norse
Meaning:protected by Yngvi
Ingo is a Scandinavian boy’s name of Old Norse and Germanic origins. While the name is relatively unusual, it is more common in Germany and shares a root with iconic Scandinavian names Ingmar and Ingrid. Ingo means “protected by Yngvi,” a Germanic deity believed to be the more ancient form of the Norse god Freyr. Often Anglicized as Frey, Freyr is associated with peace, fertility, virility, and prosperity, making him—and thus Yngvi—a fortuitous protector for baby Ingo. This masculine name may also spark passion with its Latin roots, from ignis, lending Ingo the inspiring endearments “fiery one” and “radiance.”

How Popular Is The Name Ingo?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1970
- 123
from 1968
In comparison to the previous year's data
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