Other Origin(s):Greek
Meaning:By the sea; Cheerful
How harmonious is it when you find a baby name that almost sounds like its meaning? With its gentle syllabic ebb and flow, Iluka echoes sea waves as they softly break on the seashore. This oceanic name has multiple origins, most commonly from the Indigenous Australian people with the meaning "by the sea." Besides this tranquil definition, Iluka is also associated with the name Ilarion meaning “cheerful” in Greek. Whether baby Iluka grows up around Australia’s beautiful and beachy land or not, they’re sure to grow up to be a vibrant bundle of joy.
On this page:
Behind the Name, Iluka, April 2014
Behind the Name, Ilarion, April 2021
Behind the Name, Hilarion, May 2020
Name Doctor, Ilarion
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