Meaning:Hocca's hill; Hucca's land
While you and baby might not know any Hoccas or Huccas, both names make an appearance in the masculine title Hockney. Typically a last name, Hockney has Old English origins and is a variant of other last names like Hocknell or Hucknall. Perhaps your little one will most appreciate their name’s similarity to the word “hockey!” Hockney means “Hocca’s hill” or “Hucca’s land,” describing the place where the first Hockneys lived. Whether little Hockney calls a rural town or an expansive city home, they’ll always take pride in the place where they came from.
Famous People Named Hockney
Wondering who else shares this name? Check out these well known people who made this baby name famous.
- David HockneyArtist
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