US Popularity:5306
Meaning:Compassionate, benevolent; Level, equal; Rank; History; Boss
Hitoshi is a masculine name of Japanese origin, meaning "compassionate" and "benevolent." It is a popular choice for babies born into Taoism-practicing families. The name Hitoshi also translates to “level” or “equal,” giving it positive sentiments that align with the Taoist ideals of living in harmony with the universe. If you want baby to exude altruism and kindness along life's path, Hitoshi is a worthy contender to celebrate your spiritual values. Some of Hitoshi’s kanji combinations may contribute to other meanings such as “rank,” “history,” or boss,” making it a pretty big name for your newest BFF!

How Popular Is The Name Hitoshi?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1933
+ 135
from 1931
In comparison to the previous year's data
  • Japanese Given Names by Ivona Barešová, pg. 206

  • Behind the Name, Hitoshi, March 2020

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