Other Origin(s):German
Meaning:Son of Richard
We know baby is waiting in suspense for their new name, so why not take a page out of the Master of Suspense’s script book? Hitchcock is a moniker that you will surely have heard before, as it belongs to one of the most famous directors of all time: Alfred Hitchcock. The man behind cinema classics such as The Birds, Vertigo, and Psycho, Hitchcock’s influence can still be seen when you go to the movies today. As a name, Hitchcock actually derives from the Old German name Richard, offering up its meaning of “son of Richard.” This is because Hitch was once a common nickname for Richard and eventually evolved into the iconic English surname we know and revere. So, whether you love the eerie, filmic connotations of this name or you just want to pay homage to a loved one in a unique way, baby Hitchcock is sure to make quite an impression.

Famous People Named Hitchcock

Wondering who else shares this name? Check out these well known people who made this baby name famous.
  • Alfred Hitchcock

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