US Popularity:4979
Other Origin(s):French, Indian, Spanish
Meaning:Large; Sky; Space; Help, protect; Radiance; Ocean; Sun; Trickster; Beacon; A hero
Discovering this name is definitely a Yatta! moment. Hiro is a gender-neutral appellation with origins from around the globe. You may recognize this vibrant moniker from the time traveler in the 2006 TV show Heroes or the main character in Disney’s Big Hero 6. Hiro is most famously a Japanese name given to boys and girls, whose meaning can change depending on the kanji used. Among Hiro’s many endearments are “large,” “sky,” “space,” “help,” “protect,” “radiance,” “ocean,” and “sun.” In Polynesian mythology, Hiro is the name of a god of thieves and also a Tahitian hero named after said deity. While this origin is a little uncertain, it’s thought to mean “trickster” and exudes a mystical wonder for the cheeky little one whose energy is out of this world. As a Spanish title, Hiro comes from a habitational place name in La Rioja from the root faro, meaning “beacon.” It may have also been a French occupational name for a traveling merchant. As if it wasn’t universal enough, Hiro has additional Hindi and Nepali roots that give the meaning “a hero,” which perfectly tops this choice off for your little champion.

How Popular Is The Name Hiro?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Hiro is currently #2656 on The Bump
Boy:Hiro is currently #1500 on The Bump Boy Names

U.S. Births

Overall:Hiro is currently #4979 in U.S. births
Boy:Hiro is currently #2320 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
No change
from 2022
In comparison to the previous year's data
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