Other Origin(s):British, French, Gaelic
Meaning:Homestead; Hagano's settlement; Hawthorn settlement; Scarred; Son of the active one
Hamell is a masculine name with a variety of origins and meanings to inspire your little one. A variant of the Scottish Hamill, it translates to “Hagano’s settlement” or “hawthorn settlement.” Coming from the Old French word hamel, it also means “homestead,” reminding your little one that your home is their safe space. Another link is to the Old English hamel, meaning “scarred.” Whether your little one falls off their bike for the first time or trips over their rollerblades, scars can be a reminder of lessons learned and skills acquired. Hamell also has Gaelic roots, coming from the last name Ó hÁdhmaill and meaning “son of the active one.” If you’ve got an energetic family member for baby to look up to one day, Hamell can make for an adorable choice.

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