US Popularity:26386
Meaning:Uncovered; Splendor; Giant; Exiled
Goliath is a boy’s name of Hebrew origin with multiple meanings. This unique name will make baby stand out from the crowd with the meanings of “uncovered,” “splendor,” “giant,” and “exiled.” Goliath is the name of the biblical Philistine giant whom the young David slew before becoming a famous king. The term “David and Goliath” has adopted the modern connotation where the underdog triumphs over the formidable enemy. Goliath is also associated with larger-than-life things. The Goliath beetle species was named after the Philistine giant and is one of the largest insects on Earth! If you can feel it in your bones that baby will be full of surprises or have a big personality, Goliath will make an excellent title.
How Popular Is The Name Goliath?
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2022
- 1778
from 2021
Online Etymology Dictionary, Goliath (n.)
Name Doctor, Goliath
Behind the Name, Goliath, May 2020
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 411
WordSense Dictionary, goliath
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