US Popularity:11151
Other Origin(s):Norse
Meaning:Fen-dweller; Mythical wolf creature
If you want to inspire baby’s fierceness from the start, the name Fenris definitely has some teeth to it. This masculine name has Scandinavian and Old Norse roots that can have both down-to-earth and mystical interpretations. One of its translations is “fen-dweller,” with fen referring to a type of rich wetland to build baby’s earthy spirit. Fenris can also come from Fenrir or Fenrisúlfr, connecting baby to the wolf creature in Norse mythology. In the story, Fenrir was a child of the god Loki and giantess Angrboða, and he was said to be so powerful that he was a threat to gods like Odin. If you want to help baby have a legendary fierceness that can beat any obstacle they face, the name Fenris is sure to give them the edge you’re looking for.
How Popular Is The Name Fenris?
U.S. Births
Overall:Fenris is currently #11151 in U.S. births
Boy:Fenris is currently #5287 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 199
from 2022
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