US Popularity:16487
Other Origin(s):French
Meaning:Handsome servant; Iron-gray; Blacksmith; Adventurer
Faron is a masculine name with Old English and Old French roots with plenty of meanings to inspire baby. One of its translations is “handsome servant,” which can be a unique way to celebrate baby’s inner beauty and caring, attentive spirit. If you want to give baby a name with a bit more edge, Faron can also come from the Old French word ferron or ferrant, meaning “blacksmith” or “iron-gray,” respectively. Giving baby a name that expresses the badass skill of transforming metal into tools and art is sure to help them build their creative side. For a more daredevil aesthetic, Faron also means “adventurer.” As your little one learns how to help the ones they love, find their tools for success, and explore different paths, the name Faron will give them plenty of encouragement along the way.
How Popular Is The Name Faron?
U.S. Births
Overall:Faron is currently #16487 in U.S. births
Boy:Faron is currently #7862 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 456
from 2022
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