US Popularity:3939
Other Origin(s):British, Hungarian, Irish, Scottish
Meaning:Army friend; Wild boar friend; Sea friend; Fresh green water
Ervin is a masculine name with multiple origins. A Hungarian version of the German name “Erwin,” the name Ervin means “army friend.” This makes for a unique way to teach baby the importance of forming solid bonds with people and being a loyal companion. In Scottish and Irish languages, Ervin derives from Irvine, a town with ancient roots and features stunning coastal views, castles, and other stunning sights. With a direct translation of “boar” and “friend,” history buffs will know that a wild boar was a remarkable symbol for Richard III, King of England, and today, it continues to roam Europe and India, showcasing its strength and incredible speed for everyone to see. While in Old English, Ervin is also believed to mean “sea friend” or more commonly, “fresh green water,” painting a lovely picture of places like Lake Carezza, Valle Verzasca, and more. If you want to teach baby the beauty of friendship and what it means to have strength, Ervin will make for a wonderful reminder.

How Popular Is The Name Ervin?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Ervin is currently #3851 on The Bump
Boy:Ervin is currently #2152 on The Bump Boy Names

U.S. Births

Overall:Ervin is currently #3939 in U.S. births
Boy:Ervin is currently #1843 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
- 148
from 2022
In comparison to the previous year's data
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