US Popularity:10539
Meaning:Elf spear; Noble spear; Old spear
One thing for sure and certain is baby is destined to rule with a strong moral compass. Elgar is an Old English surname that was transformed into a boy’s name. There are multiple meanings, all of which encompass the spear, with different elements preceding it. Signifying “elf spear,” “noble spear,” and “old spear,” Elgar’s path to leadership is clear. They will believe in helping those who can’t speak for themselves, and their weapon will be their voice. Give baby the courage to fight for what’s right with the name Elgar.
Famous People Named Elgar
Wondering who else shares this name? Check out these well known people who made this baby name famous.
- Edward ElgarComposer
How Popular Is The Name Elgar?
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 1994
+ 541
from 1992
- #N/A
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