Other Origin(s):African
Meaning:Row of lamps; Green snake
Dipili is a rather elusive name that may be of Indian and African origin. Likely a masculine name, Dipili could be a form of the Indian Dipali—lighting the way for your little one with the meaning “row of lamps.” Dipili may also have African roots, though where exactly on this great continent it stems from is quite tricky to pin down. It may be Swahili, Tswana, or Igbo and is said to carry the verdant meaning of “green snake.” This could be a reference to the Eastern green mamba, a mighty snake revered for its beautiful yet deadly presence and featured throughout African folklore, religion, and mythology. It can symbolize the duality of life and death, stealth and cunning, and transformation. Its roots shrouded in mystery, Dipili opens the door for baby to make this name truly their own.
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