US Popularity:22068
Meaning:Fort on the hill; Fort of Maeldaf; House of eels
Although it's only been around as a given name since the 1950s, Demelza has an attractive historical feel. This Cornish girl's name is probably most recognizable from Winston Graham's Poldark series, with the heroine named Demelza. Although its etymological roots are not certain, Demelza is considered a toponym that means “fort of Maeldaf” or possibly "fort on the hill," and is the name of a hamlet in Cornwall. Much like a hillfort, baby Demelza will look out for the people around her and go above and beyond to keep her loved ones safe and happy. Some sources also state that the moniker means “house of eels,” from the Cornish elements ty and malsai. Whichever definition most appeals to you, Demelza will certainly feel connected to their Cornish roots with a name like this.
How Popular Is The Name Demelza?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Demelza is currently #4987 on The Bump
Girl:Demelza is currently #3301 on The Bump Girl Names
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2022
- 52
from 2021
Name Doctor, Demelza
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