US Popularity:4310
Other Origin(s):British, Irish
Meaning:From Airelle; Darling, beloved; Oak tree
Daryl is a gender-neutral name of French and English origin, meaning "from Airelle," "darling," or "beloved." It is derived from the English surname Darrell, which comes from the Norman-French d'Airelle—a term used to refer to someone from the village of Airelle in France. Although Airelle no longer exists, the word airelle is still used as the French word for "huckleberry." In English, Daryl is an endearing moniker meaning "darling" or "beloved," which will provide a constant reminder of your adoration for baby, while it means “oak tree” in Irish. With so many lovely meanings, baby Daryl is sure to feel emboldened to explore every facet of themselves.

How Popular Is The Name Daryl?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Daryl is currently #2265 on The Bump
Boy:Daryl is currently #1279 on The Bump Boy Names

U.S. Births

Overall:Daryl is currently #4310 in U.S. births
Boy:Daryl is currently #2022 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
- 54
from 2022
In comparison to the previous year's data
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