Other Origin(s):Slavic
Meaning:Earth; Man of the red earth
Damick is a boy's name that means "earth" or “man of the red earth” and is a Slavic variant of the Hebrew name Adam. In the Torah or the Old Testament, Adam was the first man and was made of the dust of the earth. He started humanity on earth, lending a sense of importance to any variation of the name. Believing that they are made from the earth is sure to instill in baby a sense of respect and awe for the world around them. Damick is a different way of spelling the name Damek and can sometimes be used as a last name.
On this page:
Collins Dictionary, Adamic
WordSense Dictionary, Damek
Behind the Name, Damek, June 2019
WordSense Dictionary, Adam
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 326, 376
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