US Popularity:22833
Other Origin(s):Celtic, Gaelic, Greek, Hebrew, Irish
Meaning:Son of Eoghan; Born of the yew tree; Born lucky, well-born; Son of Eathan; God is gracious; Born together, the twin
Honoring baby’s heritage, Cowan is a masculine moniker steeped in meaning. Originally a Scottish last name, Cowan comes from the longer forms McOwen or McKeown. McOwen is the Anglicized version of the Gaelic Mac Eoghain, meaning “son of Eoghan,” with Eoghan stemming from Celtic and possibly Greek roots. Thought to mean “born of the yew tree” from Old Irish or “born lucky” and “well-born” from Eugenious, baby has a fortuitous future ahead. Meanwhile, McKeown has ties to the Gaelic last name Mac Eathain, which means “son of Eathan.” Eathan claims ties to the moniker John, meaning “God is gracious” in Hebrew. Lastly, Cowan is also a Manx variation of Comhghán, perfect for a twin, as it derives from the Old Irish expression for “born together” or “the twin.” Whether you are wishing your little one every success or want them to follow in your beliefs, Cowan is sure to tick all the boxes.

How Popular Is The Name Cowan?

U.S. Births

Overall:Cowan is currently #22833 in U.S. births
Boy:Cowan is currently #11060 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
- 9
from 2021
In comparison to the previous year's data
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