US Popularity:14553
Other Origin(s):French, Greek
Meaning:Spear; Maiden
Short and chic, Corin is a gender-neutral name of Latin, Greek, and French origins. The French form of the Latin and Sabine name Quirinus, Corin means “spear” and may ignite your little one’s warrior spirit. Quirinus was a Sabine and Roman god who was said to be comparable in rank to Jupiter or Mars. Corin is also considered a variation of the Greek Corinne and Corinna, meaning “maiden.” A sweet appellation with two powerful connotations, baby can choose to call on their inner warrior while also embracing the divine feminine.

How Popular Is The Name Corin?

U.S. Births

Overall:Corin is currently #14553 in U.S. births
Boy:Corin is currently #6944 in U.S. births

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