Other Origin(s):Italian
Meaning:Blind; Light; Ancient; Chile
Cile is a feminine name that baby might associate with a specific person or place. This gorgeous moniker can be used as a nickname, first name, or place name, so don’t be surprised if your little one wants to learn all about its potential origins. Cecille, Lucille, Priscille, and other titles that end in -cille can be shortened to Cile, leaving no shortage of possible name meanings for baby! While Cile is likely derived from the Latin moniker Caecilius, meaning “blind,” it could also share Lucille and Priscille’s translations of “light” and “ancient.” If anyone ever asks little Cile for a fun fact about themselves, they’ll have an amazing answer at the ready, as in Italian, their name means “Chile.” Whether their heritage lies in the South American city or they dream of travel and exploration, baby Cile’s name will give them plenty of vacation inspiration.
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