Meaning:Complete, perfect; Water; Wolf; Conception; Luck, fortune
Chon is a gender-neutral name sprouting from roots all around the world. As a French moniker, Chon might derive from the Old French word cheance, which means “luck” or “fortune,” starting off hot with elements of destiny and intrigue. In Sino-Korean, Chon is a last name and first name influenced by Chinese and means “complete” or “perfect,” reminding your child that they are simply impeccable. Chon also has roots in Thai, where it means “water,” as well as having a home in Mongolia as a Kalmyk name meaning “wolf.” From going with the flow to running with the pack, baby Chon can be empowered by their short yet spritely name. But it doesn’t stop there. In Spanish, Chon is used as a diminutive for Concepción, a name that means “conception” and traditionally refers to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary in the Christian faith. Worldly and well-rounded, Chon has many meanings and origins to connect with, so your kiddo can really make this name their own.
How Popular Is The Name Chon?
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in 2002
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Ancestry, Chon Family History
Behind the Name, Chon (1)(2)(3), July 2018
Behind the Name, Concepción, February 2019
Name Doctor, Chon (1)
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