US Popularity:12106
Meaning:Moon; Shining, to shine
Named for a lunar deity, Chaundra is a gender-neutral name inspired by Sanskrit origins. A variation of Chandra, Chaundra shares its meanings “moon” and “shining” or “to shine,” referring to the Hindu god of the moon. Also known as Soma, Chandra presides over night, plants, and vegetation as one of the nine Navagraha—celestial bodies that influence human life. Personifying the moon itself, Chandra offered solace to the ancient Vedic people, illuminating the darkest skies with his ethereal glow. Rooted in such inspiring symbolism, your little Chaundra is destined to become a kindly guardian bringing hope and comfort to all.

How Popular Is The Name Chaundra?

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in 2002
- 2099
from 1995
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