US Popularity:11515
Other Origin(s):Chinese
Meaning:All; Collect, gather; Color
Chae is a feminine name with various meanings, depending on which Korean hanja characters are used to write it. Traditionally, it forms a part of certain Korean feminine names, like Chae-Yeong and Chae-Won. When it’s standing on its own, Chae can translate to “collect,” “gather,” or “color.” These endearments are rich in symbolism, encouraging your little one to collect every bit of knowledge they can to create a vibrant, colorful life. Chae is also used as a last name in Chinese, meaning “all.” When it comes to the world’s riches, your family’s love, or the infinite possibilities, Chae will remind your little one that they deserve it all.

How Popular Is The Name Chae?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2005
- 14845
from 2004
In comparison to the previous year's data
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