US Popularity:11847
Other Origin(s):Greek
Meaning:Pure, clean, clear; Each of the two
It might have been pure luck that you stumbled upon this name! Catina is a feminine name of Romanian origin with Greek roots. A variant of Cătălina, Catina derives from Katherine and translates to “pure,” “clear,” and “clean” from the word katharos. Katherine may also derive from Hekaterine, like the name of the Greek goddess Hekate, possibly meaning “each of the two.” If you want to encourage baby to always be their true, authentic self, the name Catina makes for a lovely choice. Cat, Cati, or Tina, are just a few adorable nickname options available.

How Popular Is The Name Catina?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2011
- 1426
from 2007
In comparison to the previous year's data
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