US Popularity:11451
Meaning:Thorny tree; Cassia tree; Cinnamon; Money
Casha is a feminine name with a variety of origins and meanings that make it a rich choice. For a sharp edge, it can come from the Latin acacia, meaning “thorny tree” and referring to the distinctive tree that’s native to Australia and the African savannas. This can inspire baby’s love for nature and strengthen their inner tree hugger—so long as they don’t hug this tree. Casha may also be linked to the Latin Cassia, meaning “cinnamon” or “cassia tree,” as well as the English Cash, meaning “money.” Baby Casha is sure to earn plenty of riches in the future, whether they’re rich in happiness, treasures, spices, or a love for the great outdoors.
How Popular Is The Name Casha?
Yearly Ranking Change:
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- 2800
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