US Popularity:20502
Meaning:Son of Cadán; Fire; Friend, companion
Caidan is a rare but adorable masculine name of Irish and Arabic origin. As a variant of Caden, it is the Anglicized version of the Irish surname Mac Cadáin, which means "son of Cadán" and is most commonly found in Ulster, especially in County Armagh. In Ireland, there is a strong tradition of turning patronymic names into surnames by adding Mac, Ó, or Ní, meaning "son" or "daughter" in Irish. This practice has honored family lineage and kept these family names alive and kicking for generations to come. Outside of surnames, Caidan shares similarities with the Irish Aidan and Aodh, meaning "fire" from the Old Irish áed. And just like the warmth of family, Caidan carries the Arabic meaning of "friend" or "companion," showing that baby Caidan will always be surrounded by a loving community, including family and friends alike!
How Popular Is The Name Caidan?
U.S. Births
Overall:Caidan is currently #20502 in U.S. births
Boy:Caidan is currently #9858 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 2977
from 2022
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