Meaning:Free man; Glowing
Baby will have no trouble carrying this name along with them! Caddy is a lovely girl’s name with German connections, from the classic Caroline. Caddy was often used as a nickname for Caroline, which is why it has the same meaningful definition of “free man.” With this moniker, baby Caddy will certainly learn the value of autonomy and freedom. Caddy could also be a diminutive of Candace, meaning “glowing” in Greek, perfect for your little bright spark. Alternatively, Caddy has been seen as a last name from the Middle English Cade, referring to a domestic animal or pet. Notable namesakes include Bleak House character Caddy Jellyby and _The Sound and the Fur_y character Caddy Compson. While Caddy may have you thinking about a golf course or green lawns, this name is certainly a hole-in-one!
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