US Popularity:13114
Meaning:Full moon
If you like all-things lunar, then the beautiful baby name Badr might just be written in the stars. Badr is a gender-neutral name of Arabic origin. It means "full moon," which will be music to the ears of planetary-loving parents. The moon's cyclical nature and nurturing influence on tides and harvests are symbolic of the wholehearted, orbitary, and ever-evolving relationship between parent and child. Besides this beautiful connection, Badr is also famously linked to the Battle of Badr, where Prophet Muhammad's Islamic army where found victorious over the Quraysh.

How Popular Is The Name Badr?

U.S. Births

Overall:Badr is currently #13114 in U.S. births
Boy:Badr is currently #6238 in U.S. births

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in 2023
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