US Popularity:25038
Other Origin(s):Celtic, Gaelic
Meaning:Blessed beauty; White beauty; Radiant beauty
Aoibhinn is a feminine name of Irish origin. A variant spelling of Aoibheann, Aoibhinn derives from the Old Irish elements oíb, meaning “beauty,” and finn, meaning “white” or “blessed.” Together, these words give Aoibhinn several possible interpretations, including “blessed beauty,” “white beauty,” and “radiant beauty.” In the Irish language, the word aoibhinn means “delightful” or “blissful,” so even if Irish isn’t your and Aoibhinn’s first language, you’ll have one word to add to your vocabulary! This gorgeous name is popular in Ireland, though non-Irish speaking friends and relatives may have to learn how to spell it. Still, it’s worth the effort to give your shining star an authentic Irish moniker!

How Popular Is The Name Aoibhinn?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Aoibhinn is currently #4914 on The Bump
Girl:Aoibhinn is currently #3260 on The Bump Girl Names

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