US Popularity:9697
Other Origin(s):German, Latin, Slavic
Meaning:Angel, messenger; Manly; Bold journey; Daring peace
Anda is a feminine name with origins and meanings just waiting to be discovered. Perhaps Anda is a variant of Anđela, the Slavic form of the Latin title Angela. Meaning “angel” or “messenger,” Anđela lends Anda its spiritual connections. From the Greek moniker Andrea, Anda carries the translation “manly.” While this word might imply strength or bravery, your little one can learn that there are many ways to express and demonstrate these traits! Anda could also be related to Fernanda, a German name meaning “bold journey” or “daring peace.” As sweet Anda grows up, they can decide which of their name’s many definitions inspires them most.

How Popular Is The Name Anda?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2016
+ 4873
from 2014
In comparison to the previous year's data
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