US Popularity:11480
Other Origin(s):Arabic, Spanish
Meaning:True, trustworthy; Other, foreign; Happy; Friendly; Spear; The white
If you are seeking a feminine name that indulges its own unique path, Alvira exists in a world of its own. German in origin, Alvira means "foreign" as if to embrace its fascinating strangeness. As a variation of Elvira, Alvira enjoys a Gothic heritage thanks to its introduction to Spain by the Visigoths at the cusp of the Dark Ages. Its roots lie in the German aljaz, meaning "other" or “foreign,” and *wēraz, meaning "true" or “trustworthy,” as though embracing its distinctive cultural difference with pride. No surprise that Elvira would be a celebrated name among Visigoth nobility before its prominence in popular culture as the Mistress of the Dark. Elvira may also be of Arabic origin, where it means “the white” from the Spanish elva. Other proposed translations for Elvira include “happy,” “friendly,” and “spear” from Gothic elements. Alvira stands as a bold alternative, open to any new possibilities from the noble to the macabre.

How Popular Is The Name Alvira?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2016
- 5952
from 1980
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