US Popularity:2042
Other Origin(s):Italian, Portuguese
Meaning:Noble; Ready for battle
Alfonso is a masculine name of Spanish origin that means “noble” and "ready for battle." It has historic and royal connotations, dating back to the 8th century when it was first recorded as the name of the King of Asturias. It became a popular name among kings and other royal Spaniards throughout history, and now images of strength and leadership come to mind. Alfonso also originates from royal figures in Italy and Portugal, making it a versatile name fit for your tenacious little one.

How Popular Is The Name Alfonso?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Alfonso is currently #3228 on The Bump
Boy:Alfonso is currently #1810 on The Bump Boy Names

U.S. Births

Overall:Alfonso is currently #2042 in U.S. births
Boy:Alfonso is currently #975 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
- 57
from 2022
In comparison to the previous year's data
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