US Popularity:25232
Other Origin(s):German, Norse
Meaning:Beginning; Elf; Noble wolf; Beautiful elf
If you're looking for a name that will inspire baby to embrace life with wonder and enthusiasm, consider Alfa. A feminine title, Alfa has links to several different monikers, including the Greek Alpha, which means “beginning.” As the first letter of the Greek alphabet, Alpha typically refers to the leader of a group or the first in a sequence. If baby is the first and newest addition to your crew, Alfa will be even more fitting. This name could also stem from Alf, an Old Norse title that translates to “elf.” Conjuring up images of magical worlds and the creatures who dwell within them, Alf could inspire little Alfa to let their imagination run free. Alfrida, Adolfa, and other monikers beginning with alf also share their meanings with Alfa. From “noble wolf” to “beautiful elf,” Alfa has no shortage of enchanting definitions.

How Popular Is The Name Alfa?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Alfa is currently #3018 on The Bump
Girl:Alfa is currently #2047 on The Bump Girl Names

U.S. Births

Overall:Alfa is currently #25232 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
No change
from 2017
In comparison to the previous year's data
  • Behind the Name, Alfa (2), August 2022

  • Online Etymology Dictionary, alpha (n.), September 2022

  • Name Doctor, Alfa

  • Behind the Name, Alf (1), April 2021

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