US Popularity:9527
Meaning:The Supreme Master, the Master of the universe
Akhilesh is a masculine name of Indian origin with Sanskrit and Hindi roots that can be translated as “the Supreme Master” or “the Master of the universe.” This name has connotations of otherworldly strength and bravery, making it the perfect option for a budding warrior. Akhilesh is a popular name in India and is often associated with success, such as movie director Akhilesh Jaiswal and notable plant biologist Akhilesh Kumar Tyagi. If you seek a name that celebrates baby's Indian heritage and will inspire them to never give up, look no further than Akhilesh.
How Popular Is The Name Akhilesh?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Akhilesh is currently #4383 on The Bump
Boy:Akhilesh is currently #2460 on The Bump Boy Names
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2012
+ 1451
from 2011
Behind the Name, Akhilesh, September 2024
Wisdom Library, Akhilesh: 1 definition, January 2021
IMDb, Akhilesh Jaiswal
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