US Popularity:21163
Other Origin(s):Persian
Meaning:Waters; Mountain; Name of an angel
Aaban is a masculine name of Old Arabic and Persian origin. There is not a lot of information available regarding this name, but it is most likely a respelling of the name Aban. It also has a few possible meanings, including "waters" or "mountain," and it also might come from the "name of an angel." It is a popular choice for boys born into the Islamic faith. In the 8th century, Aban ibn Taghlib was a Muslim scholar renowned for his prayerful devotion and recital of the Qur'an. With such strong religious sentiments, a name like Aaban will provide baby with plenty of inspiration to celebrate their beliefs throughout life's journey.
How Popular Is The Name Aaban?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Aaban is currently #2881 on The Bump
Boy:Aaban is currently #1616 on The Bump Boy Names
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2022
+ 985
from 2019
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 324
Quranic Names, Aalam9https://quranicnames.com/aalam/)
Name Doctor, Aban
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