About Us
The Bump
From the creators of The Knot, The Bump gives parents the lowdown on fertility, pregnancy, birth and babies with stage-by-stage content and expert advice. At The Bump, we aim to empower parents and parents-to-be by delivering real life guidance, a multi-platform digital experience with time-saving tools, and an inclusive community to support all families as they navigate the early years of parenthood.
- Expert articles on fertility, pregnancy and childbirth and baby.
- Product research tools to start your baby registry.
- Breaking news stories about the latest research, safety alerts and trending stories.
- Interactive tools that will help you with everything from tracking ovulation to picking a name for baby.
- Get daily insights, tips, and advice straight to your phone with The Bump App.
To Contact The Bump
Bump News
2 Wisconsin Cir 3rd Floor, Chevy Chase, MD 20815
For timely pitches and news items please contactnewsfeed@thebump.com
Customer Service
The Bump Help Center has answers to frequently asked questions plus helpful account and site resources. If you don't find the answers you need, you can leave your contact information at (877) 843-5668.
Registry Inquiries
Registry customer service contact: registryhelp@thebump.com |(877) 843-5668; Hours: Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., EST
The Bump App
The Bump app service contact: apphelp@thebump.com
Press Inquiries
To interview an expert from The Bump or to obtain statistics, please contact pr@thebump.com
Editorial Inquiries
For any product or story pitches, as well as questions about becoming an expert for the site or being a featured user, please contact: editorial@thebump.com
Advertising Inquiries
Advertisers can connect with our audience of first-time parents by emailing GMSsalesinquiries@thebump.com